Accommodation and Welfare

AEGIS Gold Standard Host Families

All UKG Language host families meet the strictest welfare standards under AEGIS Gold Standard assessment through UK Guardians.

All students are assured of the highest standard of accommodation and quality of host family. We believe a student learns more when they are happy and safe in a welcoming host family.

Heading 2 Here

All host families go through a comprehensive recruitment process starting with an initial telephone interview followed by a detailed application process, a household visit and inspection and finally an enhanced DBS (a criminal record) check on all members of the household over 16 years old.

Our host families know the importance of welcoming our students into their family, engaging in conversation and providing a home from home.

UKG Language has a fully trained Dedicated Safeguarding Lead (DSL) and 24/7 emergency contact for all student’s welfare and support

What to expect from a host family
